Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Learn Hypnosis

Learn Hypnosis

Learn all about the fundamentals of hypnosis and develop a solid understanding that will help prepare you for your experiences in self-hypnosis.

Hypnosis is a natural state of mind characterized by an extraordinary state of relaxation (physically, mentally, and emotionally) in which there is a heightened awareness and focus and an open responsiveness to suggestion. The state of mind required for hypnosis is a perfectly normal, natural state of mind (the alpha state) that everyone is in every day of their lives. When we are engrossed in a novel, a television program, or a daydream to such an extent that our awareness is fixed on the specific subject of our attention, we are in this state of mind. This relaxed, highly focused state of mind generates the brainwave state known as alpha. When you fall asleep at night, alpha is the state of mind you are in right before you fall asleep. And once you fall asleep, your alpha state deepens before you drift down into the theta brainwave state--the state of mind where light sleep and dreams occur. Alpha is also the state of mind most associated with hypnosis.

Hypnosis is a tool for creation. And what sets hypnosis apart as a tool for creation is that it utilizes the optimal state of mind in which the creative process has the potential for peak efficiency. It’s the optimal state of mind for successful creation because the conscious mind (the analytical, rational, judgmental part of the mind) has taken a backseat and the subconscious mind (the part of the mind open to suggestion) has come to the forefront in a heightened state of awareness. Also, the Creative Level of Mind (the energetic source for our creativity), whose energy is directed by our subconscious mind, is also present. The subconscious and the Creative Level of Mind are present in a heightened state of awareness. During our walking around, awake state in which the beta state of mind is dominant and our conscious mind is fully present, the subconscious and Creative Level of Mind are extremely busy.

The subconscious is recording everything we take in through our five senses. It also directs all the involuntary functions of the body (breathing; blood circulation; digestion; elimination; etc.) which are energetically and physically carried out by the Creative Level of Mind. The subconscious and the Creative Level of Mind are also automatically carrying out all of our habituated patterns of behavior for us. As you can readily see, a lot of multitasking goes on during our awake state. And because of this, our mind is a bit scattered and our potential for highly focused, effective creation is limited. But when we become quiet, close our eyes and begin to breathe deeply and relax, the more powerful aspects of our mind (subconscious and Creative Level of Mind) come forward in a highly focused, aware state—perfectly primed for our suggestions.

Now, whether we chose to use a hypnotist or learn to use the more powerful aspects of our mind ourselves as self-hypnotists, it is worthwhile to ask ourselves a relevant question…

Hypnosis or Self-Hypnosis—Which is It?—Well, for the most part, hypnosis and self-hypnosis are interchangeable. Yet self-hypnosis better describes the experience because we are the only one who can choose to enter into a hypnotic state. Whether we work with a hypnotist or hypnotize ourself, we remain the only one who can actually put our self into a state of hypnosis or deep relaxation. Why? Because no one can make us relax and go into an alpha or theta state. A hypnotist can ask us to relax, but we’re still the one making the decision as to whether or not we will act on the hypnotist’s suggestion to relax. Also, it’s important to remember that during a hypnosis session, our conscious mind is still present even if it is in the background. And we can choose to come out of hypnosis any time we choose. We can also choose not to follow a hypnotist’s suggestion during a hypnosis session.

What distinguishes hypnosis from self-hypnosis is the guide we choose to use. Either we allow someone (like a hypnotist) to guide us into a relaxed hypnotic state and give suggestions to our subconscious and Creative Level of Mind or we do it ourselves. While a trained hypnotist is going to be more experienced and is likely to have a better understanding of the process, anyone with enough desire can learn to be an effective self-hypnotist. Everyone practices self-hypnosis, though most practice it unconsciously. Every thought you have is a suggestion given to your subconscious mind, and your subconscious—in perfect synchronicity with the Creative Level of Mind—will do its best to see that your suggestions are carried out and come to fruition. Thus, everyone practices self-hypnosis.

And yet, in reality, there is no such thing as the power of hypnosis or self-hypnosis; it’s a misnomer. For hypnosis is but a tool, a process, for effectively using the power of Creation. The power each of us is blessed with. So, becoming an effective self-hypnotist, is really becoming an effective creator who has learned to consciously wield the awesome power of creation.

Learn Hypnosis

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